Setting up an employees GPS requirements for punching System Wide
You can control whether or not GPS coordinates will be recorded when an employee punches using the mobile application.
- Do Not Require GPS Coordinates - When an employee punches using the mobile application, the GPS coordinates will recorded. A GPS signal will not be required to use the mobile application.
- Require GPS Coordinates to Punch - When an employee punches using the mobile application, the GPS coordinates will be recorded. If a GPS signal is not available the employee will be unable to punch.
- Require GPS Coordinates if Available - When an employee punches using the mobile application, the GPS coordinates will be recorded as long as there is a GPS signal. If there is not a GPS signal, the punch will still be recorded, but without the GPS coordinates.
- Click on the User Menu.
- In the drop down select Change System Settings.
- Choose the Mobile section in the navigation list.
- Using the drop down menu, select either Require GPS Coordinates To Punch, Require GPS If Available, or Do Not Require GPS Coordinates.
- Select Save and Exit.
Sun 08/15/2021